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Litany of Trust

Writer's picture: Kelli ReutmanKelli Reutman

Happy and blessed Holy Week to you, dear Fellows.

Those of you who follow me on Instagram may have seen this already. I didn't originally plan to share here, because who cares, right? But our gifts are meant to be shared. This idea came to me so easily that I believe it's not meant only for me. The Litany of Trust is a timeless prayer, but right now seems to be an especially poignant time for it.

With our churches closed and our routines destroyed, we are left confused and unsure. We quite literally have no idea what tomorrow (let alone next week or next month) brings. Many of us feel orphaned. We are suspicious of His words and plans, given to us through our pope, bishops, and priests. With so much control being taken from us, we grasp at the few things left. We're tempted to feel worthless without our typical duties and routines. We're discouraged by our lack of discipline and productivity. We have so much time to be restless and to be anxious about the future.

Jesus knows this. He gave us this prayer as an invitation to lean on Him. He promises to continually hold us and sustain us. He promises to be present to us still - not only in the tabernacles and through the private Masses of our faithful priests, but in our homes and hearts as well. He promises to walk with us and bring great fruit from our sufferings. He promises that His plan is better than anything we can imagine. He promises that He is our Lord, our God, that we are His Beloved. And He promises to teach us to trust Him.

We don't have to do this on our own. Trust is a virtue freely and abundantly given when we ask for it.

When I pray the Litany of Trust, I often find one or two lines really hit me. Whatever fear or doubt I am feeling at that time will be identified with a pang in my heart, then immediately address with a comfort that only the Lord can provide. The power of the individual lines often gets lost in the whole prayer, so I wanted a way to give each one the attention it deserves.

I present to you: all 29 petitions of the Litany of Trust on individual cards.

These are made to fit as phone backgrounds, but I mostly wanted them as a way to pray. Like digital prayer cards of sorts. I can scroll through them one by one, slowly meditating on the words and letting Jesus heal my heart.

I hope you can do the same.

Feel free to download and use (and share if you feel so inclined). If you do share, tag me on Instagram at @kelli3884. (One day I'll remember to put my mark on them before giving them to the world, but for now, it's a free for all!)

A postscript that will hopefully bring you some laughter – I tried probably 20 different script fonts, all of them not quite right. Some were too stuffy, most were too frilly. When I found The One, I didn't even pay attention to the name. Clicked download, installed it, highlighted the text, scrolled through the font list to find... corona. The font is named corona. Not even capitalized, just corona. You really can't make this stuff up.

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1 Comment

Caroline Beecher
Caroline Beecher
Apr 08, 2020

Thank you so much for sharing this, Kelli!! And, yes, the postscript did bring a laugh ;)

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