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"The Fellowship gave me the opportunity to put down my phone and experience the life that I was living. It gave me the chance to live fully human. During that month of my life, I was able to hear the leaves rustling in the trees and feel the cool mornings as the sun rose up over the field. It was my taste of Heaven."
- Kimberly Phelan '18
Forum Posts
Joe Coleman
Apr 22, 2019
In Discussion
Hello friends, it's me again. Hope you didn't expect this prompt promptly (ha). I've dropped the ball again. College is hard. Anyway, here's my question for this week(ish): Seeing that we've just experienced tragedy in the Church with the attacks in Sri Lanka, I think it's time we turn our attention to how we as Catholics respond to atrocities. In a time where the phrase "thoughts and prayers" is seen as a bit trite (and rightfully so, potentially), what can we say (or do) that transcends this seemingly devoid-of-meaning phrase that we so often want to respond with. Obviously, thoughts and prayers are never wasted, but is there more we can and should be doing? Until next time, Joe Coleman CWF '18
Joe Coleman
Mar 25, 2019
In Discussion
Hey, me again. Still doing the discussion prompts. Here's what I've got this time: If you, looking back on yourself pre-Fellowship, could give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be? Doesn't have to be Fellowship-related necessarily, but since all of us are reasonably removed from our time at the Schloss, I think it a reasonable amount of time to reflect back on. Happy reflecting! Joe
Joe Coleman
Mar 09, 2019
In Discussion
Hey friends, I've been asked to start posting a discussion prompt once a week (and I promise I will do my best to make that happen), so here's the start. Discuss at your leisure. I happened upon an account of Romano Guardini's conversion, and I figured here would be a place where it was appreciated. The specific excerpt I want to talk about is, "For whenever a person wants to deal only with God, then he says ‘God’ but means himself." How can we understand what Guardini means here? Maybe it's a comment on our natural inclination towards pride and self-sufficiency? Maybe it's a comment on the necessity of community in the Christian life? Let me know what you think! All my love, Joe Coleman CWF '18 PS: If you're interested, here's the link to the full article:
Joe Coleman
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