For Alumni, powered by Alumni
"The Fellowship gave me the opportunity to put down my phone and experience the life that I was living. It gave me the chance to live fully human. During that month of my life, I was able to hear the leaves rustling in the trees and feel the cool mornings as the sun rose up over the field. It was my taste of Heaven."
- Kimberly Phelan '18

Easter Sunday: April 12th, 2020
Mark 16: 1-20 After the Sabbath had ended, various women went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus. There, they discovered that the...
Holy Saturday: April 11th, 2020
Mark 15:42-47 Late Friday evening, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus took Jesus' body down from the cross and placed it in a tomb. Both...
Good Friday: April 10th, 2020
Mark 15:1-47 After Christ was condemned in an unfair trial, but before he was led away to be crucified, the soldiers spat on him, beat...
Holy Thursday: April 9th, 2020
Mark 14:12-72 From Bethany, Jesus sent two disciples ahead to prepare the Passover meal. When evening came, he met his disciples in the...
Wednesday: April 8th, 2020
The gospels don’t say exactly what the Lord did on Wednesday of Holy Week, but scholars speculate that after two exhausting days in...
Tuesday: April 7th, 2020
Mark 11:20-12:44 After another night in Bethany, Jesus and his disciples returned to the temple area. Once there, the religious leaders...
Monday: April 6th, 2020
Mark 11:12-19 After spending Sunday night in Bethany, Jesus returned to Jerusalem the next morning. Hungering as he went, he cursed a...
Palm Sunday: April 5th, 2020
It was on Palm Sunday that Jesus entered Jerusalem, knowing well that his passion was fast approaching. The crowds welcomed him by waving...
Rhythm of a Worldview
Months ago, on the Fourth of July, I stepped on a plane for the first time, and with a peaceful certainty knew that the One who called me...
Laundry Folding Summer Thoughts
I remember bursting into tears in a little, wooden, summer camp chapel before starting the 5th grade because I really wanted to know if I...
On the Feast of St. Joseph ~
When I was in grade school, it was trendy to say St. Joseph novenas for your future husband. Â Yes, I went to a Catholic-as-schools-get...